
Are you a coach?Do you know how to be successful in your business?Now is the time to achieve the same success with your eating goals:
- get rid of stress eating
- and be in control around food.

Nadège (aka Nan) Saysana
The Cravings Coach

Stop overeating.
Dissolve stress.
Finally savour your food AND your life!


Susie Castellanos Hansley, Ph. D.Nan has stood out as one of the best coaches I have ever had. She creates a warm and safe space where I can really tell her what is in my head without fear of judgment. Her responses are always on target for what I need, even when I don't even know what I need. Sometimes it's providing awareness of something that is undermining me and keeping me stuck; sometimes it's asking me the right questions for me to better understand myself and what I actually want to believe and create. She is an amazing listener who always feels like a supportive cheerleader and on my side as I work on getting unstuck. I always feel 10x clearer by the end and know what my next steps are. Thank you for being an impeccable coach!

Lisa BeckerNadège is an amazing life coach and I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity work with her. She patiently listens and has been able to show me how all of my problems are caused in my mind. She is kind, experienced and I felt safe to talking to her about anything. I highly recommend that you get on a call with her. You’ll be in excellent hands!

Richard, teacherWhat was really good was being able to speak to somebody who's attentive, well-meaning and completely non-judgmental. And it helped me to realize that no problem is insurmountable. It put me on a path towards tackling my particular problem by learning how to ask the right questions

Jessica de HodyNadège est une excellente coach, elle accompagne à merveille à explorer des territoires vers lesquels notre cerveau ne va pas par lui-même pour nous permettre de débloquer des situations problématiques dans notre vie. Nadège est bienveillante, douce et généreuse. Elle nous enveloppe avec professionnalisme et cœur, ce qui crée un espace dans lequel on se sent en sécurité pour aborder ce qui nous touche vraiment.
Je vous la recommande vivement
Nadège is an excellent coach, she coaches wonderfully to explore territories towards which our brain does not go by itself to allow us to unblock problematic situations in our life. Nadège is caring, gentle and generous. She envelops us with professionalism and heart, which creates a space in which we feel safe to approach what really touches us.
I highly recommend her

Natacha Portier Ph.D.Nadège m'a coachée de nombreuses fois sur des sujets différents. Elle est à la fois très bienveillante et très précise dans son coaching. Elle m'a permis de faire le tri dans mes pensées et de repartir chaque fois beaucoup plus sereine et avec beaucoup de clarté !Nadège coached me many times on different subjects. She is both very kind and very precise in her coaching. It allowed me to sort out my thoughts and to leave each time much more serene and with a lot of clarity!

Tamara Pflug, school teacherI was coached many times by Nadège and I felt SO GOOD. Nadège has this very special way to make you feel understood and comfortable while being vulnerable. I felt taken care of while discovering some thoughts errors and stories I was telling myself. After being coached by Nadège, I always left with more comprehension and calm. She's one of the coaches that you remember! Thank you!!!J'ai été coachée plusieurs fois par Nadège et à chaque fois, je me suis toujours vraiment bien sentie. Lorsque Nadège me coache, je me sens toujours comprise et à l'aise tout en étant vulnérable. J'ai toujours d'excellents souvenirs / déblocages / compréhensions avec Nadège! A la fin de chaque session de coaching, je me suis toujours sentie plus calme et enfin, j'avais "débloqué" et compris mes pensées. Nadège fait vraiment partie de ce groupe de coachs de vie dont l'on se souvient pour toujours! Merci!!!

Florence Arnaud, Ph.D.Nadège est une coach très à l'écoute, parfaitement claire et précise tout en étant d'une grande bienveillance. J'ai beaucoup appris lors de chacune des sessions pendant lesquelles j'ai eu la chance d'être coachée. Je la recommande sans aucune hésitation. Au contraire : celles et ceux qu'elle coachera sont très chanceux !Nadège is a very attentive coach, perfectly clear and precise while being very kind. I learned a lot during each of the sessions during which I had the privilege to be coached. I recommend her without any hesitation. On the contrary: those she will coach are very lucky!

Krystal RanélyLe coaching de Nadège Saysana apporte de nouvelles pensées bénéfiques et facilement applicables au quotidien. Elles sont simples à mémoriser et permettent d'appréhender plus sereinement l'apprentissage de l'anglais. Ce fut un plaisir d'avancer avec elle pendant ces séances, je suis confiante et mes compétences sont solides grâce à elle.Nadège Saysana's coaching brings new beneficial thoughts that are easily applicable on a daily basis. They are easy to memorize and make it easier to learn. It was a pleasure to move forward with her during these sessions, I am confident and my skills are strong thanks to her.

Nathalie P., teacherCa m’a éclairci les idées. On se sent accepté comme on est et libre. Nadège Saysana sert de miroir, sans ego. On se sent à l’aise, pas jugé. Ca oblige à prendre conscience de ses idées. Ca t’amène à réfléchir sur toi-même sans te donner d’ordres.It cleared up my mind. We feel accepted as we are and free. Nadège Saysana serves as a mirror, without ego. You feel comfortable, not judged. It forces you to be aware of your ideas. It makes you think about yourself without giving yourself orders.

Isabelle D., teacherJ'ai appris que l'on (Nadège Saysana) pouvait prendre et donner du temps pour essayer authentiquement d'aider quelqu'un à résoudre un problème et ce qui m'a plu est la patience, la bienveillance et l'écoute attentive de mon interlocutrice!I learned that one (Nadège Saysana) could take and give the time to authentically try to help someone solve a problem and what I liked is the patience, kindness and attentive listening of my interlocutor!

Ruth-AnnI learnt a lot for myself. There are some issues that I never really spoke about or even looked at or even thought about before and you kind of gave me this view into who I am and how the thoughts I have can actually affect my output and affect me in general even how I treat others and it has caused me to pause lots of times to just think about what I’m thinking about before doing anything else.
What I loved is that it’s just us talking. And the questions that you ask, they are not threatening, and they don’t feel like you’re judging me, you don’t say “oh, but you’re this, you’re that” and the idea is that I still end up answering the questions that I am posing to you, you know? So I love this setting and even though it’s not in a physical place where we’re seeing each other, we’re still face to face.

Naima D.Ce que j’ai appris : j’ai appris lors de cette séance à décrypter mes peurs et à me rendre qu’inconsciemment je faisais naître ces mauvais pensées qui m’empêchaient de prendre la parole à l’oral. Tant que nous n’avons pas identifié ces craintes/idées infondées il est difficile de les vaincre et voilà pourquoi avant de rencontrer Nadège je n’ai pas sû aller au delà de mes blocages. J’ai appris à prendre du recul sur les situations, à faire un état des lieux, comprendre les enjeux et les buts que je souhaite atteindre en surpassant mes blocages.
Ce que j’ai aimé : j’ai aimé la structure de l’exercice. Le fait de décrire en situation lors d’une simple présentation et se rendre compte de l importance de mots employés qui vont nous permettre de rebondir par la suite et résoudre les « problèmes ». J’ai aimé me rendre compte que la réalité et parfois beaucoup plus simple que dans notre imaginaire. Je détiens à présent certaines clés Qui me permettrons d appréhender me futures prises de paroles avec plus de sérénité. Merci à Nadège pour sa sympathie, son sourire et sa disponibilité.
What I Learned: In this session I learned to decipher my fears and realize that subconsciously I was causing these bad thoughts that prevented me from speaking. Until we identify these unfounded fears / ideas it is difficult to overcome them and that is why before meeting Nadège I was not able to get past my struggles. I learned to take a step back from situations, to take stock of the situation, to understand the issues and the goals I want to achieve by overcoming my struggles.
What I liked: I liked the structure of the exercise. The fact of describing a situation in a simple presentation and realizing the importance of the words used which will allow us to bounce back and solve the "problems". I liked realizing that reality is sometimes much simpler than we imagined. I now have some keys which will allow me to give my future speeches with more serenity. Thank you to Nadège for her kindness, her smile and her availability.

Fernanda, teacherIn terms of what I learned, I would say I learned to look more into myself and my own thoughts. In many ways I'm the one that is stopping me from doing or achieving things or I am the one that is stopping me from believing what I can do for myself.
Also, I learned that it's not about others and what others think of me but it's just about me. It doesn't really matter what others think as long as I'm positive about my thoughts. And it doesn't have to be big, major thoughts. The smallest, littlest thought if you believe in it will make a huge difference.
What I like about you and our sessions is that you're very objective and you ask the right questions and sometimes it could be the simplest questions. But it's like "hello? It's right there in front of you!" And I like that! Because you don't have to be complicated to understand what's happening. A simple question can help you to realize what's behind it. So, yes, I really liked that!

SandraI'd like to share with you that coaching with Nan is a great experience that enriches and helps attain clarity. She's not only compassionate and caring, but also very professional and focused, always overdelivering. For me, all the before mentioned have been key factors to overcome a very difficult time in my life. Her professionalism, respect and commitment to my process have been simply amazing.
It is good to have a coach. But it is wonderful to have Nan as my coach.
During this time working with her, I could allow my feelings and still be focused on those things I had to get done. Thought clarity was a first step to create the feeling that could serve me more so then I could more easily envision my steps to follow as I have been overcoming grief. Before her help, every feeling and thought was just jumping around so I could simply not move forward.
I really like that today, while still sad about my loss, I can still go on. Thank you Nan! Your coaching has been priceless!

AnnaWhat was your main goal by participating in the program?
Reduce the mind drama around food, stop eating without hunger, standing up, without thinking, to stifle an emotion and stop feeling guilty!
How did you feel about your body and your life before you started?
As soon as I gained one kilo I was obsessed and wanted to lose it right away. I was always thinking about what to eat, what to stop eating, to be careful… It was exhausting.
How do you approach your emotions, your diet and your life today after the program?
With calm and serenity, I listen to my body and my hunger cues, I pause before eating and while eating, I no longer eat my emotions!
What are the results that you obtained in relation to your emotions?
I listen to them and recognize them more and more, they are no longer a problem to be solved while eating!
What impact has this support had on your diet?
There are no more good or bad foods, I eat when I'm hungry and not to fill a lack or hide an uncomfortable emotion.
What are the results that you have obtained in your personal life?
I listen to myself more, question my brain's thoughts and intentionally choose what to think about my life situations and people.
What do you remember from all of our sessions?
The power that I have to release limiting thoughts about food.
What did you like about our sessions?
The zoom interaction, the free space to feel and express everything, the written feedback to keep thinking.
What surprised you the most?
How deeply I could learn from written notes!
Did your participation in the program seem like a good investment for you?
Absolutely, 100%
Based on your experience, what is the probability (0-10) that you would recommend the program to a friend, colleague, or other acquaintance?
What do you think of the organization of the coaching? (Zoom sessions, online training, email follow-up ...)
Very satisfying
What do you think of the intensity of the coaching?

Christina HengefeldNadège is an exceptional coach. She has the unique ability to create a judgment-free space for me to access my own wisdom. She has a very calming and grounding style of coaching and I cannot recommend working with her highly enough. I encourage you to book a session with her to witness the power of being guided to more awareness and create the results you want to achieve in your life!

Samantha RichIf you’re a teacher and you want to lose weight (inside and outside!), you’re in luck! Nadège is one of the best coaches I’ve had. It’s always a pleasure to get coached by her: she’s friendly, fun, and has a great sense of humor. She makes you feel comfortable to share all your little secrets. But above all she always has really good insight, and helps you see things in a way you never thought of before! I recommend 100%.

Caitlin Faas, Ph. D.Nan has coached me several times in our work together at The Life Coach School. She has always kept my brain focused and in one lane. Nan doesn't let you scatter or spin around endlessly. She targets exactly what's going on for you and shows you your brain. If you've been thinking about hiring Nan - do it. You won't regret it.

Margaret Koehler, Yoga TeacherI cannot recommend Nan enough as a body image coach. Since working with Nan, I have had significant breakthroughs in understanding my beliefs and how that hold me back. With this knowledge, I no longer waste time and energy attacking my body or my character. I have my own back and I feel a sense of freedom that I never thought was possible. One of the things she is really good at is to immediately sift through the drama in my head and pull out the thoughts that cause me the most trouble. These are thoughts that never occurred to me to question and in doing this, I was able to see exactly how I was sabotaging myself. So powerful. I honestly do not know what I would have done with out her. I wish every woman that struggles with body image to have the same support that I received from Nan.

Lina LarapidieNadège est une personne très agréable et à l’écoute. Elle m’a beaucoup aidé au niveau professionnel pour m’aider dans mon organisation et au niveau du développement personnel. Elle m’a appris tellement de choses à travers son coaching, j’utilise encore ses méthodes dans ma vie professionnelle aujourd’hui. Merci à elle de m’avoir accordé son temps et de m’avoir donné autant de bons conseils.
Je vous la recommande vivement
Nadège is a very pleasant and attentive person. She has helped me a lot at the professional level in my organization and at the personal development level. She taught me so much through her coaching, I still use her methods in my professional life today. Thanks to her for giving me her time and giving me so much great advice.
I highly recommend her

Marion CoulangeNadège sait allier une grande douceur et qualité d'écoute avec l'utilisation d'outils puissants pour nous aider à y voir plus clair dans le fonctionnement de notre mental et désamorcer la partition qu'il nous joue en automatique. Être accompagnée par elle permet de retrouver de la clarté et de l'apaisement immédiatement, pour reprendre les rênes de nos vies.Nadège knows how to combine great gentleness and great listening skills with the use of powerful tools to help us see more clearly the functioning of our mind and change the score that it plays to us automatically. Being coached by her allows you to find clarity and calm immediately, to take back the reins of our lives.

Ismaïla BadjiJ'ai eu à faire avec Nadège plusieurs séances de coaching qui se sont extrêmement bien déroulées. Jusqu'aujourd'hui je mets en oeuvre plein de ses conseils autant dans ma vie professionnelle que personnelle. Elle a su être à l'écoute afin d'être de meilleur conseil que ce soit. Encore merci Nadège :)I had with Nadège several coaching sessions which went extremely well. Until today, I'm putting all of her advice into practice, both in my professional and personal life. She knew how to listen in order to give the best possible advice. Thank you again Nadège :)

Amal B., teacherJ'ai appris à mieux me connaître. Je pensais être capable de me remettre en question et de relativiser facilement, mais en réalité je ne voyais pas tout.
J'ai aimé le fait que Nadège ne porte pas de jugement. Qu’elle me pousse à formuler des solutions par moi même. Et le plus important qu’elle soit à l'écoute.
I got to know myself better. I thought I could question myself and put things into perspective easily, but in reality I couldn't see everything.
I liked the fact that Nadège does not judge. That she pushes me to figure out solutions on my own. And most importantly, that she is listening.

MarleneMy coach is in Paris!
And you're amazing!
And you listen!
You don't judge.
You make us see what we don't want to see often and provide different ways of thinking about it.
You teach us.
I walk through the day and I think about what you told me and I read through your super notes... and the way you're able to put things also visually that makes it easier, as an additional way, like another supportive way of helping us.

Océane L-KJ’ai appris que la confiance en soi était une des clés favorisant la réussite personnelle. Toute personne peut arriver à prendre confiance en elle à partir du moment où la motivation est présente.
J’ai aimé le fait de pouvoir parler de sujets divers et variés, tout en essayant de comprendre l’origine du problème ou des difficultés rencontrées.
I learned that self-confidence is one of the keys to personal success. Anyone can gain self-confidence from the moment the motivation is present.
I liked being able to talk about a variety of topics, while trying to understand the origin of the problem or the difficulties encountered.

A-OJ’ai avancé. Je ne dois pas prendre ma confiance en moi comme une crainte. Ca va continuer jusqu’à ce que ça devienne une habitude.
« Je ne sais pas d’avance mais j’avance. » (François Housset, Philovive)
C’est constructif.
J’ai fait des progrès. Ca me fait plaisir que mes efforts soient remarqués. J’ai évolué, j’ai pris de la valeur dans tous les domaines. Ca a commencé dans ma vie et ça s’est répercuté. Je ne suis plus au niveau où j’étais.
I moved forward. I must not fear my self-confidence. It will go on until it becomes a habit.
"I don't know in advance but I am moving forward. "(François Housset, Philovive)
It’s constructive.
I've improved. It makes me happy that my efforts are noticed. I have evolved, I have gained value in all areas. It started in my life and it reverberated. I'm no longer where I was before.

Senam LouisNadège est une coach fantastique. En peu de temps elle a su me montrer ce que je n'arrivais pas à voir. Je vous la recommande chaleureusement. Merci Nadège!Nadège is a fantastic coach. In no time she was able to show me what I couldn't see. I warmly recommend her to you. Thank you Nadège!

Mia CarterYou are an amazing coach! xx